So... I have been in Animation Mentor Maya Springboard since.. October and I decided to post something related to that... :)

I'll probably start to post animation related stuff very soon. Since now every homework assignment is software exploring and learning /and of course a bit of animation :))), to keep our enthusiasm up/

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5 коментара:

Mattmit said...

yaaaay! updates! awesome! I like!

Unknown said...

Ur work is really good and i have asked a few fellow students to check it also shows u have a gud sense of posing a character....

Oz said...


Welcome to AM!

Oz said...

I see you update your blog like I do mine. ;P You have some great work here, I'd love to see what you've been up to!!!


Mr_Flamenco said...

Hey Svetla :)

nice work you got there, i am amazed with the mood of your paintings very nice combination of color and nice poses.

keep it dear

wish you all the best