I did those for very close friends of mine that recently had their babies born! Тези рисунки бяха по случай скорошната поява на няколко бебока на близки мои приятели!
New d-sketch theme for few weeks ago! Friends + enemies = Frenemies Нова рисунка за скицо-клуба ни на работа :)! Темата е странна за превод, но е смесица от зачението на думите приятел
We went to Thailand last year! It was such an amazing and adventurous experience! I really wanted to draw more, although it is so hard to do so on vacations, especially when everything
The Standing Desk
We have got these desks at work that are suppose to be much better than a sitting desks. It is recommended to switch from sitting to standing every 2 hours. My body though
Pirates of The Carribean
I am trying to keep participating in the animation sketch group at work. This theme was "Pirates of the Caribbean". It is hard sometimes with work and my own personal projects but it
These are martenichki or a cute way to say martenitsa. I spoke already about the Bulgarian traditions in March and this is a continuation of the same subject. These are sisters martenichki :)
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